It is quite fitting I just saw the movie "The Little Princess" circa 1995. One of my favorite childhood films, where the main character Sara does not give up on her belief that All girls are princesses! It was one of those movies that I literally am sobbing throughout. A little embarrassing, especially since this was the first time I watched this movie with my fiance, Brad.
One of my favorite lines Sara expresses, All girls are [princesses]! Even if they live in tiny old attics, even if they dress in rags, even if they aren't pretty, or smart, or young, they're still princesses - all of us!
Just a few days later, I was asked to photography little Olive's 3rd birthday party. It was a night to remember. And what better way to celebrate than a princess party! Some princesses you might recognize...wink, wink. But of course...
A L L G I R L S A R E P R I N C E S S E S!
So enjoy this S N E A K P E A K of some of my favorites, share it with you friends and family and leave me some comments!